DTS Online Women's Ministry Breakfast January 2021
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The DTS Women's Ministry Breakfast aims to provide a forum where women who run ministries, charities, businesses or who are climbing up the career ladder can learn, network, be inspired and empowered to achieve their goals and dreams for the organisations they run, or their careers.
The first DTS event for 2021 will take place online.
Attendees will get the opportunity to hear informative talks, enjoy break out rooms and get their ministry/business/work details featured on a specially compiled list that will be sent to all attendees prior to the breakfast.
Speakers are:
CHRISTINE GISCOMBE founder of an organisation that aims to inspire, equip and empower women worldwide via coaching, mentoring as well as personal development events.
Christine's talk is entitled Leading from a Emotionally Healthy Place.
She'll be sharing some strategies on how to overcome emotional trauma (whether past or present) in order to lead with wholeness, authenticity and spiritual integrity
KAREN ALLEN: She is a respected speaker, community champion and author. Her latest title Thou Art the Man, from Malfunction to Magnificance is a self development book for men.
Karen's talk is entitled Leading women reaching men
She'll be sharing insights on how women can reach men with the gospel and empower women to do so.
The DTS Breakfasts are always an inspirational affair. I hope that you are able to attend and get a spiritual boost to empower and equip you to fulfil your God given mandate during the course of 2021.
Zoom Online
23 Jan 2021, Saturday, 10:00 AM
23 Jan 2021, Saturday, 02:00 PM